Lock 10 and Weir

Cadell Street, Wentworth 2648

A series of locks and weirs were built along with the river systems with the Wentworth weir and lock completed in 1929. The purpose of the weir is both to maintain a high level of water for irrigation in times of low water and to regulate water flow. The lock enables boats to pass from the upper stream to the downstream level of the Murray River and vice versa. 

To allow the migration of fish species upstream past the weir at any time, special 'fishways' have been built at the abutments of Lock 10.  A series of interconnected pools allow the fish to move from pool to pool as part of their upstream travel. This is an important step in the long term recovery of the River Murray ecology. 

The weir and lock area is fitted with various picnic tables and barbeques across the road for those wishing to have lunch and enjoy the view.


  • Barbeque
  • Carpark
  • Picnic Area

Activities available

  • Walks


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